Quick run to Tofino via Vancouver and Victoria Aug 2016

It always hits me mid summer, this primitive need to flee the city.  In particular, I struggle living in the middle of the prairie, with the closest water glacier fed rivers or man made ponds.

Our initial plan, including a group of 6-7,  was to travel to the Canadian North - specifically Hay river, but the adventuresome party bailed at the last minute and Ryan convinced me that western beaches with waves was a more appropriate destination.  To that end off we went, with Tofino as the target.  note that we did not have cottage or camping bookings in place due the last minute change.

We ultimately camped at Secrete Beach, a short distance east of Ocluelet.  The spot was on the ocean shore - above the tide line. Shells littered the camping area.  A walk out onto the shore at low tide confirmed what was obviously the main attraction for campers in the area - oysters and clams in great abundance.  

We did not hang around the camp site during the day, instead drove into Tofino.  Here we visited Long Beach.

Ryan was keen to surf, but ultimately we took a pass and kayaked instead, renting in Tofino.  The tour of the bay and islands provided us with incredible  vistas including glad eagles fishing.   sorry while I took my go pro, I failed to ensure the battery was charged.....rookie mistake.

A few shots of Secret Beach shoreline

I woke up 3ish the first night and went for a short walk.  The shies were perfectly clear with a show of stars I do not recall seeing for many years.  I was surprised how little light pollution was in the area.  Sorry no photos.  Next time.

 Vancouver Harbour

We spent two days in Vancouver, taking time to visit the aquarium.  Here a fur seal paused for my benefit.


Lion fish, a problem in the local harbours.

We visited the provincial gallery.  There was a showing of Picasso's works, and this sculpture of six women.  It was an great piece of work.

Victoria's harbour.  We actually saw river otters in the harbour.  Again no photos.

While a pipe dream, I can understand the attraction of this type of sail boat.  Perhaps someday.

Victoria harbour sentinel.

Ryan took a break from me to read a history magazine on the ferry back to Vancouver.
