Wishbone Trail Waterton National Park

Waterton National Park is a jewel located at the south west corner of Alberta butting against the US border and British Columbia.  The park had previously offered many trails for the visitor to hike, but as fires that had consumed three quarters of the park's forests the authorities restrict the access into the back country to a limited number of trails, all away from the fires.  The nearest open trail to the Waterton townsite was Wishbone Trail, with it's trail head half way between the entrance to the park and the US border crossing, it wanders cross the valley to Waterton Lake opposite the town site.

The view looking north towards the town site.

The view from Prince of Wales hotel looking down towards the town site.  Behind the town the fire ravished forest can clearly be seen.

Sunrise on the lake's shore looking east.

Morning meditation.

Wishbone trailhead sign

Fires are a common occurrence, they are seldom as far reaching as last year's inferno.  The trail meanders past charred remnants from a previous fire.

Prince of Wales hotel can be seen in the distance with the charred remains of the break fire created to reduce the threat of the fire reducing the town to ashes.

A small creek that segments the trail.

A make shift bridge can always be found.

Waterton Lake with burned out forests on the west shores.

Multicoloured lichen can be found on the rocks along the way.

A well earned rest


  1. South east would put you in Saskatchewan. Nice pictures.

    1. left....right... I always struggled . thanks for the correction


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