Wandering around QCC did not take long. The city contained approximately 800 inhabitants.

An evening shot of the QCC bay.
People were not the only inhabitants.We found these friendly guys in a number of colours including yellow and brown
I guess one never has to go hungry, simply carry around some garlic and butter.
QCC had a small harbor where the commercial fishing fleet docked.
I was puzzled as to the function of this boat until one of the locals explained that these one person craft were used for controlling the log booms. They did not look particularly stable
We even saw the ubiquitous eagle monitoring our travels. I can understand why the eagle often graces the top of the totem poles.
Luckily we did not need the hospital. I suspect that it had a limited offering of gear to treat patients.
Of course, every rural town has one store with some character.
An evening shot of the QCC bay.
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