Day 5, we decided that we would take a tour to Skedans, an abandoned aboriginal wintering village located approximately 3 hours (by boat) south of QCC. We left from Moresby Bay, a common jumping off point for kayaking and tours south.
We circum-navagated the island, passing through the narrows. There are no roads on these islands.
The impact of the tide on the forests was evident.
ANy of the trees that fell over were quickly absorbed back into the forest. This was a common sight.
We used the aluminum boat to navigate on the ocean, and the inflatable to come to shore.
We saw an incredible array of sea life in the narrows
As well as a significant number of eagles.
Arriving at the village, we were met by 2 "watchers", locals employed to monitor the site , ensuring visitors do not wander off with artifacts. They also convey the local history, explaining the purposes of the poles, the buildings, and the village layout.
With great anticipation, we started the tour. The "elaborate" hole below was the chieftain's house. In general, it was explained that the Haida do not attempt to save the villages or mortuary poles from decay. Most of the carvings and structures were well beyond identification. The tour guide provided us with a book similar to a text book showing the poles and village buildings as they were many years ago
The rings are called potlatch rings. They represent each potlatch that the chieftain held while he was in power.
This mortuary pole had a tree growing on it, with moss around it like a carpet.
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