An afternoon meandering along the Bow River confirmed what the 11C temperature hinted at, namely that spring had arrived. Im amazed what can be seen in a couple of hours.
Numerous Downy Woodpeckers could be seen amongst the aspens and shag bark trees along the river.
Blacked cap chickadee darted between the trees. I even had one land on my lens as I was trying to capture its picture.
Common Mergansers. I could not decide which was more colourful - the male or female.
Mallards. Watched them court, with the male circling the female, ultimately climbing on her back while in the water. I felt like a voyeur.
Ubiquitous Canadian Geese are notoriously aggressive. At least they did not assault me this time.
Downy Woodpecker (female)
Northern Flickers could be heard tapping distant trees.
Ring neck pheasants popped their heads up, cawed to the females, then dove back for cover.
Grey Partridge. This couple did not appear to be in any hurry. Must of been enjoying the warmth. I walked right up to them, getting within a meter before they decided to head into the wheat field.
Common Golden Eye book'n just above the surface of the river.
Trumpeter Swans lounging in a slew.
Great Horned Owl was not interested in the activities at ground. He just continued to snooze. Out of sight - out of mind
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