Drive through Kananaskis Country

One of the benefits of living in the Calgary area is the proximity to the Rockies. In less than 60 minutes, you can be driving through Kananaskis Country, the area bordering the eastern edge of the rockies west and south west of Calgary.  The route followed along the Transcanada highway west of calgary, branching onto highway 40 south through Kananaskis, ultimately turning east again, approaching Calgary through Longview, Black Diamond and Turner valley.  I will post photos of these smaller communities on another day.  The route offers a great cross section of Alberta as you move from the prairie to the foothills, into the Rockies, returning via the prairies.

We too the opportunity to drive through this area two weeks ago, and in the process and face to face encounters with a number of animals.  In addition to the wildlife, which included hawks and mule deer, the area has many ranches with cows and horses - some roaming wild.

Nakiska is just south of the turnoff onto highway 40.  Nakiska is a ski hill created to support the Calgary Olympics held in the 80s.

We took a break along the way to enjoy the sunshine and views.  The convertible certainly adds to the enjoyment of the trip.

Mountain sheep are often seen along the highway during the summer, as are the mountain goats, bears (both grizzlies and black bears - not seen on this trip) and mule deer - also not seen.  Moving towards Banff elk and moose are also commonplace.  The sheep and goats were licking the salt from the roads and munching on the grasses which are more lush along the highway.

I was busy taking these photos, and an adult male sniffed my ear.  I am not sure this was a benefit of the convertible.  Unfortunately I was not able to get the photo, and my wife laughing certainly was a further distraction.

We were not the only ones enjoying this route.  Many motorcycles also take advantage of the winding roads.
