Pre Christmas visit to the Calgary Zoo 2016

The temperatures could not have been better for viewing the animals.  -4C and cloudy.  Made for a great walk about.  While all of the cats were out, the viewing areas were in poor condition at a number of the pens, preventing clear shots.  Dropping the depth of field simply made for a haze.  A side note - the photos were all taken with my camera hand held.

Big horned sheep

 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 f4 192mm
1/5000s @f4 iso  500
I had not seen the tigers so active.  The female was in the large pen, posing for us near the viewing booth, while the male was in the smaller pen.

 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 f4 192mm
1/1250s @f4 iso  500

 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 f4 138mm
1/1250s @ f4 iso 500

 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 f4 81mm
1/1250s @ f4 iso 500

Every previous visit, the snow leopards had been in their dens.  This was the only clear shot.  One other was walking the fence line but did not provide a clear field of view.

 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 f4 200mm
1/250s @ f4 iso 500
The penguins were also lounging around.  A couple of weeks ago, a number of these penguins drowned in the holding pool, apparently being startled at night and all jumping into the pool at the same time, one on top of the other,  

Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 F4 200mm
1/10s @f4 iso 500

If you look closely, you can see this grey owl checking me out.  Normally it is hidden in the evergreens.
 Canon 7D
Lense 70-200 F4 200mm
1/250s  @ f4 / iso  800


 Canon 7D
 Lense70-200 f4 135mm
1/400s @ f4 / iso 500
My feet hurt after all the walking.
 Canon 7D
 Lense70-200 f4 111mm
1/25s @ f4 / iso 500
